Monday, June 9, 2008


Influenced by Hertzog & DeMueron design and aspects of land art, Two Twists is a model consisting of one strip of sandpaper; its middle section scored into eight sections. Six of these were twisted while the bordering two were left untouched. The whole model was then twisted, with each end of the strip fixed to the other. The result was “Fluid” Form.

The most challenging part of development was choosing the fixations. After trying tape, nails and wool, zinc nuts & bolts were chosen. Though these were the smallest available, smaller ones would have been preferred.


Lessa Morfee said...

Yeah you are right it is excessively long I didn't even read most of this but you WILL take responsibility and you WILL edit it. You have to which sucks for you haha But I do like your images, very fluid....

Anonymous said...

I like how you've used materials that contradict the idea of fluidity...nice strong model

112annahampton said...

Really like your model! The layout of you page and info is also really cool. Nice.

amy_chang said...

Your model is really cool, very interesting choice of material!

Kahli Jenkins 112 said...

Hey wow
thats a kewl az model!!
Well done
check mine out sum tym :)

daniel_starkey said...

Hey Martin, I enjoyed the guy making shite from wii controllers. A tad nerdy, but quite interesting. Whered the link go? Also your model.. agree with what Carey said. Nice work.

Stu Burns said...

Like the layout brosef nice and simple. Good model photo as well.

Chloe Waretini said...

nice use of the sandpaper for your fluid form - makes it look really architectural - whats your fav land art project?

Lessa Morfee said...

Good to see you took my wise advice... Neat layout, really clean and simple. Still liking that image too.